Friday, February 25, 2011

I'm on a "Self Improvement" Diet

Forgive me! I know it's been a while!!

To be honest, for the past few months I’ve actually been soul searching and trying to figure out how to better prioritize my life! As I’ve been approaching the last few months of my sophomore year a lot of things have been coming into prospective. As time flies I’ve been figuring out a lot about myself and in doing so I can’t help but envision my future.

The beautiful thing about college is you’re surrounded by so many windows of opportunity. You’re surrounded by so much inspiration; and not only that…You’re surrounded by motivated individuals who, just like you, are trying to create a better future for themselves!

With all that being said, last semester as I began to settle into my major (PR) I was a little concerned. It seemed like everyone around me was so ahead of me, which initially, made me a little anxious to get a head. So in this endeavor to “get ahead” (or at least catch up with everyone else) I started seeking out interns, clubs/organizations, and classes to better myself for the ultimate competition…getting a job duh!!

In doing so, I came across an awesome opportunity (at least for my area of study); a camera editing training. I look forward to learning the necessary skills of camera editing and eventually earning a certificate to not only pass one of my required classes, but also to have something pretty snazzy to put on my resume.

As of now (as in the first day) the class seems relatively interesting. Blogging is one of the assignments we are required to do in order to pass the class, along with creating a production package.

I guess one of the more exciting things about the class is that it’s actually taught by college students so hopefully I won’t have to press snooze control. They may even understand that homework should have some type of significance beyond keeping students busy from other important things in life…like blogging J

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