Friday, February 3, 2012

Re: Curlynikki's Upgrade Your Life: How to Become an Early Riser

I use so feel like there was NEVER enough time in a day for ANYTHING! Let me reinforce this: I'm a full-time college student, I have a part-time job, I'm the president of an on campus organization and all that seems nearly half the battle (throw in the RIDONCULOUS homework assignments my professors try to throw in, trying to lead a healthy life style, having bra strap hair length, etc, etc, blah blah blah). Even with managing my time and setting an agenda, my life some how is full of the unexpected and I always end up having to readjust. 

Long story short I readjusted :) For the past month my days have now starts at 6 am! Yes, for some of you this is gut wrenching LoL but let me explain...Just Like GG discussed in her article, I can wake up peacefully, not feel rushed and can even sit down at my dining room table and enjoy my pre-work out breakfast! Yes, #Pre-work-out! By 7am I'm off to the gym and I typically bust a sweat for an hour to an hour and a half. 

These first two hours of the day are exactly what I need to kick start my day for quite a few reasons:
1. Simply enough, there's no better feeling then being able to enjoy a quality breakfast rather than scoffing down a pop-tart on my way out the door and ending up starving in class. (And we know how embarrassing it can be when your stomach is lecturing more than the teacher!)

2. It gives me..well.."me" time! I must admit, I can be a little bit selfish with myself sometimes. Not only am I completely comfortable with myself, but I thoroughly enjoy, no, I love being alone with myself. For a lot of people this is very hard to understand and I'm quickly accused of being a loner, not having friends or a social life, however (and we'll have to make the importance of "me time" a separate post); That's everything BUT the case!

3. After these two hours I always end up feeling great! I'm not even completely sure why?! Yesterday I literally left the gym BEAMING! It cooouuld be all the motivation I get from all the eye candy ^-^ but I'm preeeetty sure it has more to do with the fact the working out helps me clear my mind. My confidence is totally boosted as well because I know I'm doing something great for my inner health and my outer figure and that, should be enough to make anyone happy!

So after all this is said and done, I come home, de-funk-afy and start getting ready for class. If I have any last minute work or studying to do I can squeeze it in before class. If I feel like being extra spiffy I'll put on a little eye shadow and I'm good to go!

Now depending on who you are and your lifestyle this may not be the routine for you, but find yours! And especially if you feel like there isn't enough time in the day, you may want to consider waking up a little earlier :) Here are GG's major points and I second them completely:

1. Go to sleep early to get X hours of sleep.
2. Get up at a designated time no matter what.
3. Express the importance of this project to your family [if you live with them].
4. Focus on what you will get out of it.
5. Don't beat yourself up or give up when you over sleep.
Click here to check out the original article!

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